H-TOC Structure:
The nexus of our CI/HUMINT operations is the H-TOC, where the key
Battle Staff NCOs and Battle Captain execute their battle tracking
,support and dissemination
missions.Plus resource
administrators live.There are terminals dedicated to active collection
platoons of the distributed Battalions.This terminal network we can
aptly term
the ''interim cloud storage''.Every trooper in the
H-TOC has a mission to accomplish.These include fast/accurate
preparation of incoming data,interpreted , quickly
to end users , be it the platoons who sent the data in or adjacent
H-TOCs or higher HQ or even lower units.The Battle Captain and
administrator NCO should
be concerned with the fact that the
correct area of ops is being dealt with and the various desks -FP Desk
, HUMINT/CLIC Desk , ci interoogation and exploitation Desk ,
Desk , OSINT Desk NCOs assuring that there is no confliction among the
various Desks with regard to dedicated/relevant information feed or
source confliction.
Organization Operations NCO (E6 97B/E): Data from the OMTs touches base into the H-TOC with
Organization Operations NCO, who works the Organization's WARRIOR
terminal. The Bde Int Platoons residing organically in the Battalions
have a lot of task to do
resultng in incomplete disperals.The
secxondary collectors who collect scattered information outside the
Brigade send it in to the HTOC-Administrator who prepares the
data for processing to the Work Area NCO charged with the
responsibility of all investigations and interpretations.It is vitally
important to keep a tab on the correct
usage of techniques and the operations NCO despatches these to the Organization ops officer.
Operations NCO handles all incoming CLIC/HUMINT data , merges/breaks
them down o manageable components , conducts due
investigation-interpretation.keeps a
tab on the Ops SITMAP and creates products for further investigation and administration for further refinement.
Organization work area NCO caters to every HUMINT Company and CLIC Cell
24 hours.Te ops NCO who receives all incoming int data forwards them
duly prepared with
preliminary assessments for refinement to
the Ops NCO who keeps track of all information coming in from OMTs.The
Work area NCO refreshes the ops SITMAP and
executes all
investigations/interpetations to form an int assessment product.He
further reaches the OMT to gather accumulated data at current point of
time to validate ,
confirm or deny , extend or alleviate on
revealed insight,studies all leads and distinguishes the good one from
the incorrect ones and all these enhance CLIC/HUMINT
the Work area NCO , if the need arises to apprise the detachments and
the organization on revealed ops issues does so by bringing the issue
both.And yes he manages source administration of the companies alongwith the H-TOC Source administration officer.
Organization Work area NCO (E5 97B/E): Every CI/HUMINT Company is alloted a work area NCO
Operations NCOIC (E7 97B/E):He manages the H-TOC Ops area ,
administering resources , looking after security coordination and
support systems of the
H-TOC ops and builds up the work areas
as per needs/requirements in terms of man power , terminals ,
communication systems.He tracks the status of all the organization
Operations Officer/Specialist (O3 35E/W3 351B/E): He is concerned wit
managing cross-talk between H-TOCs thus improving coordination over a
non linear
distributed battlespace,deconflict cross-limit
ops,cross-signal each other,and assure the eye-to-eye coordination
between theorganization ops officers and HTOC.This way
inputs from other H-TOCs and cross talk-cross signalling the intent for
further ops is understood clearly , int gaps are answered and int and
ops reach a dynamic ,
integrated with each other-so critical for overal battlespace ops successes.
HUMINT Operations Expert (W3 351B):Tracks and reports HUMINT/CLIC
target selections and reports these to higher HQs with countermeasure
creates and maintains target folders , updates them and maintains the
target reduction plans.He deals with source registry and also keeps a
tab on
source integrity and cross-checking. This and all
target related information he updates higher HQs.He may even reach back
HUMINT/CLIC cells and update them with target
priority in
keeping with battle mission requirements/objectives that change from
time to time as the tempo is very fluid in a battle.
H-TOC Fight Commander (O3 35E): Oversees H-TOC operations, oversees and tracks all Regiment
HUMINT resources, and oversees HUMINT taskings. The Fight CPT creates plans to help future
operations, as coordinated by the Bn S-3, and directions Contingent developments. With the help of
the HUMINT Operations Tech and Friends Operations Officers, the Fight CPT recognizes HUMINT
target assignments and countermeasure suggestions. The Fight CPT arranges mid-move
operational gatherings and move change briefings.
Unit S-3 (O4 35D): Supervises the Brigade's HUMINT mission. The Contingent S-3 is in a position
to see the Force's whole Operational picture and additionally the Corps fight designs. Utilizing this
information, the Regiment S-3 sets out the floor get ready for synchronizing the Legion's HUMINT
operations to help the cordial plan of move. The Legion S-3 fills in as the Brigade's HUMINT mission
administrator for CI and IPW operations. LRS operations are still overseen out of the Pro.
Furthermore, the Bn S-3 directs and deconflicts HUMINT taskings.
b. Whenever conveyed, the H-TOC comprises of an essential 2 x 3 Single Incorporated Order Post
(SICP) setup with three appended vehicles and a different 1 x 2 SICP design with one joined vehicle
for the LRS COB. Two 15kw generators (essential and reinforcement) give power and all is secured
under one cover net. One Flag Little Expansion Hub (SEN) is co-situated with the H-TOC to give
MSE network. Figure 3 portrays the H-TOC physical design and staff positions.
b. Resource Administration: When completely operational, the H-TOC can oversee more than 70
groups spread over the combat zone. Without robotization, monitoring such a large number of
groups could rapidly wind up noticeably unmanageable in the warmth of fight as group status
reports stream in finished the radio and are quickly built into the Operations log and later
transposed onto the Operations overlay. Notwithstanding, utilizing computerization, groups can be
effortlessly followed and their status scattered and showed such that pioneers can guarantee these
advantages are situated to best give the move administrator CI/HUMINT bolster. Utilizing DAIS, the
force's benefits submit status reports twice every day or at whatever point the group has an
adjustment in mission, area, or operational status. The report is naturally transmitted through their
summon channels to the H-TOC, where it is handled into a focal Asset Status Report (RSR)
database stacked on the H-TOC WARRIOR. The H-TOC utilizes the WARRIOR to graphically
upgrade the RSR database by plotting group areas onto a digitized delineate. The present foe
circumstance database and additionally SALUTE database is then plotted over the highest point of
the RSR database, uncovering territories where groups might be in risk of encompassing foe
movement. This capacity furnishes the benefit director with a prompt representation of the present
circumstance and helps in settling on a fast choice on whether to divert the jeopardized group to
more secure ground or expanding defensive measures inplace. From the H-TOC, the solidified RSR
is naturally refreshed and distributed on the Intel WAN. The RSR is then seen by the Legion
Organization and Coordinations Center (ALOC), where the Brigade S-1 and S-4 investigate the RSR
to suspect supply deficiencies and repair parts, dispatch an upkeep contact group, or start loss
announcing and order substitution staff as required. On the off chance that the Brigade S-1 or S-4
don't get a formal demand or loss feeder report, they at that point know to help the organizations to
remember the essential activities. Also, the RSR is sent to the HUMINT Accumulation Chief
situated in the Expert, who takes a gander at the advantage scattering to recognize holes in
gathering scope and decide mission taskings. Figure 6 delineates this procedure and a specimen
show of the yield.