May 6th, 2017 Published by: keshavmazumdar
(6)How will units enable leaders to know the
enemy, friendly unit locations, and their capabilities?
(7)How will units adapt to emerging UP situations more
quickly than an adversary?
UP is not force protection, although the application
of protection capabilities will positively affect force
protection. By integrating the protection capabilities
outlined in this CCP, a commander, and consequently, the
force will be offered superior protection abilities.
May 6th, 2017
The Division must maintain an intranet capability wherein
all intelligence and operations data,historical , current and
projected are maintained in the database.For example,all
sensors,humint-sigint-elint-comint-techint-masint deployed
in the Brigade area of the Division should be able to
channel the information collected to the specific tactical
operations center Desk NCO.Each Brigade will have seperate
TOCs installed for each/group of (as the case may be
depending on manpower availability to staff TOCs)company/
companies of every batallion.The humint team will send
reports to the HUMINT Desk NCO.Similarly with the other
intelligence collection disciplines/sensors.Now after analysis
by the analysis element in the TOC the intelligence
information is passed on to the LAN server.Say we have
as the TOTAL NORTH EAST battlespace comprising of the
disturbed States.Every State is broken down territory/area
wise into specific area of ops.Each area of ops is subjected
to intelligence collection by the Bn Intelligence organic
units,wherein the information as said above is passed on to
speciic intelligence sensor based TOC.or it could be one TOC
may cater to all sensor types with each Desk NCO allocated
to each sensor information receipt channel.Each subset area
of operations within the boundaries of each State has as its
intelligence and ops database input nodes at the TOCs of the
Brigade (each Bn)/Bn group.A group of such TOC nodes are
conected to one LAN node.In this manner an entire network
of LAN nodes are dispersed in each State.The complete LAN
is connected with the total AO WAN system..Now the total
battlespace which comprises of all the affected NE States has
as its information repository domain the WAN Servers.Each
WAN NODE will cater to each State intelligence ops as well as
all tactical combat ops(linked to all the TOCs of the State
AO.).. This entire system in its totality should be viewed as
concentric circles.The outermost ring is the deployed sensors
(or as I aim to achieve , organic company level-platoon level
intelligence sections--that is boot level sensors);The next
ring will be the individual TOCs and the DESK NCOs receipt/
dissemination terminals.The inner ring will be the LAN chain
of all the States; each LAN being comprised of all the
sub-LANs of that State to which feeds come from all the
State TOCs.All feeds from this inner LAN ring will be into
the next inner ring - the WAN Network Main Server.In
this manner we have overcome the probs of decentralized
command and control of intelligence and tactical
operations in a nonliner distributed wide battlespace (it
is not possible for every tactical unit to push upwards
all intelligence and combat operation to higher
headquarters in a very wide (State) area of operations ,
there is an inundation of information at Bde level
intelligence section--it cannot manage easily even with
intelligence detachments sporead out without the
installation of Bn-level TACTICAL OPS CENTERS (and
Company level organic intelligence cells created out of
a team of non-int occupational speciality
personnel--like the infantry soldiers,MP,patrols--
trained in basic tactical question-
ing,elicitation,observation and surveillance skills.The TOCs
bring in an element of control and ease of information
push to much lower levels than higher HQs for the tactical
units deployed.In each sub-sector of each AO within each
sub-region of each State the tactical units find it easy to
push information to the locally installed TOC.The group of
TOCs in the State can exchange information laterally among
themselves and get a clear picture of all activities and
trends.This helps to give the Bde Commander a clear
common operating picture COP--which means the exact
ground situation without being inundated with unnecessary
or conflicting or excessive intelligence information.(In my
CFET web portal I have detailed the battle-staff functions of
each TOC wherein cases like deconfliction , technical control
of int/counterint TTPs,updating and management of source
network and source registries,requirement,collection assets
management and collection management,administrative
control,ops management,dissemination--all being handled
by NCOs and a JCO with one battle Captain).This TOC
network through the Overall LAN system of each State
can effectively push/pull information from the main WAN
Network.Thus we find that an effective command and control
of the entire NE intelligence and tactical combat operations
is ensured due to the availability of intelligence and combat
information at the boot level (Company level int capability
and lower) ,TOC level , State level (LAN System) and the
entire Battlespace (NE) Level THROUGH THE MAIN WAN
NETWORK(Each Bde Level).All Bde's will have their own
network system on similar grounds in their AO with the main
is what I will call the Div Ops and Intelligence Net (the main
WAN System).
During deployment for combat the Bn intelligence section
int officer can enter this Div NET AND CAN ACCESS THE
division ops and intelligence activities if necessary.He can
thus maintain a current intelligence situation report/map
within the Bn TOC reflecting the current enemy situation.At
every level trends,pattern recognition , analytical (link
diagramming,forecasting trends,association mapping,time
series analysis,PERT/CPM applied to operations etc)software
can be used to manipulate and research information on the
servers.Such information may be pushed down on request
to operational/tactical levels.