There are 3 types of information stored in the platoons control
terminal.(ground level).
corresponds t o a model of each collectors(or platoon comprising of more than
one collector) environment.My point is we can create an
interface(Boot-level-mobile/fixed TOC?) which will contain all these
information from all such collectors or platoons (to post messages for peer
agent consumption at an indeterminate time.)so that information
push-retreival/sharing can be achieved laterally and vertically with the Bn
Staff intel./TOC.We can also allocate one storage system to each collectors
terminal/platoons workstation so that its more easier to input/retrieve
information from the common TOC.We can term these locations agents Notepad.All
such Notepads are connected laterally and vertically with the Bn/Units
Notebook.There will be a Notebook manager (Sr NCO) who will handle all storage
and retrieval of information.There will be a system to ascertain the integrity
of the data and will be under the purview of the truth maintenance system
TMS.It will execute two functions:
1.Say we have a belief.Now beliefs are current--repeat current geospatial
data.So if we have a belief that there is an observation at grid[x,y] at time
(t0) and later at time (t1) there is no information for grid [x,y] then as the
most recent value is of import, the easiest and simplest way to resolve
conflicts between beliefs is to update the information on the notebook to the
most recent belief and delete the other one.We can hire a software company and
create more sophisticated conflict resolution algorithms.
2. Information must be accurate , timely , unique and specific to be translated
to actionable intelligence.Keeping this in perspective 4 factors weigh in favor
of this argument , viz: the age,proximity(to the sensor),uniqueness
and operational relevance of the collected and stored information in the Bn
Notebook.For operational success the unit needs to have rapid access to
actionable intelligence.The TMS NCO must ensure that the most relevant timely
information is cached for rapid access and if there is more data than that can
be managed , (as it happens for imagery data..inundation like anything--we have
hundreds and thousands of imagery data arriving from overhead sensors) then
data that is old or less important is removed from the Bn notebook.Thus the
second important function of the TMS is the efficient storage of information
and that is accomplished by a properly directed caching and removal of
information from the Bn Notebook.
For example
platoon collectors collect raw information , that is still unprocessed and
collected randomly , not yet indexed or categorized as per the exact
prioritized intelligence requirements of the platoon commander.Yes the
requirements have been set out in the mission tasking order but the collectors
collected information in their own way and have pooled them together in draft form
,not yet assigning weights as per the priority rankings.
From this raw data ''sets'' are created or formed by judgement that contain
information corresponding to a similar attribute. Now the sensor (collector)
position , time and pose and other metadata gives meaning and context to this
set of raw data.
Geospatial data such as targets , blue force locations,search areas are
abstract information that are called beliefs. Platoon collectors (humans) ,
overhead sensors and pattern recognition software installed in surveillance
platforms all contribute to the setup of beliefs repository. We can also have
data fusion algorithms , fusing data from different sources.These are abstract
facts about the current situation. Mission-level objectives are set down by the
Commander and we can categorize this as a special class of beliefs.These
beliefs drive the entire effort of the collection system , right from raw
information to metadata providing context and meaning and the other beliefs.