"The mission of the MI Unit
(Interrogation and Exploitation) is to conduct interrogation of enemy prisoners
of war EPW,debriefing of persons having information of intelligence value and
exploitation of captured doicuments,media and hardware.”
The MI Unit (Interrogation and
Exploitation) consists of a HQ section,an Ops section,communications section
and I&E platoon.
Figure 4: Interrogation and
Exploitation Team

Roles and Functions
- Setting
up interrogation facilities during wartime
- Interrogation
of EPWs.Establishment of a joint or combined interrogation facility and conduct
interrogations of EPWs. Conduct debriefings of high level political and
military personnel, civilian internees,refugees, displaced persons, and
other non- Indian personnel.
- Conduct
debriefing of high level military/political figures,refugees,patrols,military
personnel who are released by enemy from capture or who have escaped from
captivity,detained civilians and other people who have information of
- Conducts
DOCEX,and translation of captured documents.Translate and exploit documents
acquired, found, or captured in the theater AO.
- Debrief Indian and Allied personnel having escaped after being captured or having
evaded capture.