subdirectory will contain opensource material to kindle/foster newer
thoughts , philosophies and possibilities in the area of WAR
and STRATEGY.Why should we stick to older strategies , even if
they are proven and same goes for tactics employed in smaller
should first understand the concept of WAR..the
reasons behind it..the gradual evolution of strategies/tactics..the
refinement to the present principles of WAR and combat
guidelines..thereafter we must research newer battle configurations
given newer battle environments/battlespace and more importantly the
advent of assymetric advantage/hybrid enemies and information
warfare.There are several other issues/ population centric
warfare is becoming more common inhibiting the usage of full combat
power to avert civilian casualties..and am looking at intelligence
capability to deal with this and here i feel we should treat this
capability like any other full fledged combat force with all the
properties going with the ..say..a standard infantry combat
regiment--the attributes configured to ''intelligence'' domain in
intelligence parlance.I want readers to dream the
suspend logic if need be momentarily..break out of the
''experience-trap'' which channelises our problem solving and decision
making along rigid streamlines..rigid in the sense they dont crisscross
each other..i am right you are wrong dichotomy results..the Generalk
insists this strategy IS the correct one or this COA is the best of
all--i want readers tto exp-lore ''laterally'' cutting across
established solution not speaking of
speaking of imagination propelled exploration of hitherto unknown
scenarios of battle..but we can give it a semblance of reality by
considering current players in battle..their they the
asymmetric enemy personnel or latest intelligence TTPs or a newer
strategy/tactic employed or on the anvil of the enemy , or any other
conceivable factor having a bearing , indirectly or directly on our
strategy/tactics forcing us to go for adaptation..I will add morre
content gradually).