![]() COMMAND: HQ ( S1 S2 S3 S4) HQ SERVICE COMPANY HQ-FORCE PROTECTION SECTION HQ-PLANNING SECTION HQ-OPS SECTION HQ-INT SECTION ---HQ-INT SECTION--- STAFF OFFICER S2 CONTROL (FULL INTEGRATION WITH S3 OPS) PlLANNING CAPTAIN ISR TASKING INTELLIGENCE OFFICER INTRACOMPANY LNO CONTROL: TECHNICAL CONTROL UNIT MISSION ORDER RECEIPT AND ANALYSIS UNIT INT ANALYSIS UNIT REQUIREMENTS,COLLECTION,ASSEST MANAGEMENT UNIT HUMINT AND CI OPS MANAGEMENT SECTION OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT TEAM OMT (HUMINT/CI) COMMUNICATIONS: Tango Coy Int Platoon TEAMS: OPERATIONAL TEAMS--HUMINT TEAM , CI TEAM , TACHUMINT TEAM, TEAM,PSYOPS TEAM,LNO,EW TEAM, RECONNAISSANCE PLATOON(INT ENABLED),SURVEILLENCE TEAM. There will be a cell for analysis and control (incl technical control)of : 1.Collection TTPs , 2.HUMINT-CI Teams and 3.Collected/Open Source Intel. This cell will also conduct mission-capability-needs analysis periodically to ascertain optimum humint-CI mix in case of Tactical Humint teams, whether to assign mission to exclusively HUMINT or CI team or TACHUMINT team, This cell will be termed CONTROL UNIT CONTROL UNIT WILL HAVE A HQ, AND TWO SECTIONS.ALL SOURCE INT SECTION(ASIS) AND TECHNICAL CONTROL/PROCESSING SECTION(TCPS). The two sections will have two SECTION HQ respectively. The one under ASIS will: look after the: All-source production team Collection Management Team Target Nomination Team and Dissemination Team. The TCPS HQ will look after: HUMINT AND CI TEAM(Multidisciplinary) IMINT TEAM SIGINT TEAM CONTROL HQ will look after all communications and administrative matters logistics and maintenance. Tactical Ops Center Staff: Team Officer CAPT Coy Desk NCO Equivalent Coy Liaison NCO Table of Organization _______|________ |
(Tactical Qn Assistant1)TQA1 GO TO HQ HERE. GO TO UNIT HQ HERE. LOGIN FOR BOTH : Username-guest , password-xyz1234 BATTLE PLAN : SCALED DOWN TO LIMITED AO-- GO HERE (Site above includes link to full Battle Plan) | ![]() BN INT SECTION | CLIC (Coy level int cells) A1-Int Ops: Tactical Questioning Mobile interrogation team Task organized Humint/CI team Document exploitation Captured equipment exploitation Screening ops Preparing Personalities Black list , Grey list and White list Preparing list of organizations and installations of CI interest. Prioritizing targets of CI interest in order of top priority,1-2-3. Reconnaissance & Surveillance ops Sniper scout ops Light armoured reconnaissance ops Radio Cell ops A2-SUPPORT: Support to lateral units (General Support , i.e.Orders from parent Bn) Support to lateral units (Direct Support , under Command of supported unit) Support to Force Protection Support to military security Support to HUMINT ops of higher HQ Support to IPB (Summary: Provide TOC for Battle Tracking in COIN and Conventional ops manned by NCOs Provide UNIT1 and UNIT2 support. (Unit1-HUMINT Unit) (UNIT2-CI UNIT) Provide CI capability to RSTA-BDA. Provide CI support to FP. Provide particularly int support by getting proficient in TQ,Screening,DOCEX. To enable SECONDARY INT COLLECTION CAPABILITY-MP,Check Points Inf Soldiers, At the Bn level we will have: Int assets (organic) made out of selected soldiers from line Companies , Battalions.These units prevade the entire area of ops , closest to the ground , and aware of int gaps not apparent to higher HQ as they view the AO from a coarser resolution while its finer resolution for line company commanders. Line troops are generally Going on patrol duty Establish observation and listening posts Conducting or escorting convoys Movingthroughout the operational area We cannot have higher HQ deploy the very limited int assets throughout the AO.This is where the line soldiers come in.They are ''all'' information collectors and organic int cells from every company/battalion drastically increase the ground int staff strength over the operational area thus leading to credible actionable intelligence collection.They can conduct the int ops outlined in A1 above given adequate training. Bn Int HQ | Ops Int HHSC Comm |Coy Level Int Section | CLIC IR Platoon Scout Sniper Platoon Light Armoured Recon Bn Int Pltn Radio UnitPILOT UNIT ( J&K/Assam Rifles Tripura Sector21 ):Bn has fielded 6 company level int platoons.Each company has one int and recon platoon , one CI operative and one linguist. Command and Control: Succession of command will be : platoon havildar>platoon commander (JCO/Sr NCO)>Coy Int officer (JCO) at Rear Int HQ. Intelligence specific command post will be at the Rear Int HQ (Colocated with Bn Int Section) and a forward CP (Tactical ops center2).There will be a Tactical Ops Center colocated with rear Int HQ. All soldiers reporting from CLIP will be made via TOC1 to rear int HQ which in turn will brief the Bn S2.The TOC1 will filter out/segregate , collate HUMINT/CI/R&S/HET reports , conduct brief analysis,and in turn feed them to TOC2 colocated with rear Int HQ. Int coordination line and special security. Bn Int Section RearInt HQ Rear Command Post Tactical Ops Center2 Forward Command Post Tactical Ops Center1 |