Base Plans officer
Current ops plan officer
Future ops plans officer
Force protection plans officer

  Unit Cdr
Planning officers
Ops SO  Int SO
CM  & FP Officer

Note: During the conduct of military decision making process it is vitally important that counterintelligence feeds be administered on a continual basis and all intelligence led decisions being applied while the MDMP is underway be monitored coontinuously alongwith the Collection Manager CM AND incoming feeds and outgoing orders for intelligence led actions be synchronized.The OPS and Int staff officers should be in close coordination , the int-ops dynamic at its acme.The Ops and Int Staff Officers must be constantly updated by the CM who feeds in assets availability/capability and heads the Requirements and Asset Mgmt subunits.Force Protection officer must feed in force protection intelligence , both static(military bases and installations) and dynamic( convoy troop movements , and ordnance in movement).The planning should be 360 degrees with everyone involved and all functions integrated with the commanders intent being the driving force.