Description of process in collection management
Intelligence Collection Management System
comprises of a Collection Management Officer
and CI/HUMINT specialists and the CI/HUMINT collectors.The CMO takes
charge of the collection plan and tasks his specialists with constantly
keeping an eye on current intelligence requirements as well as
intelligence requirements that surface as tactical situations changes
rapidly during combat due to the highly fluid nature of the latter.This
tracking of all intelligence requirements is extremely important
as collection operations are driven by
intelligence requirements—the correct IRs.Hence
the CMO ensures that the collectors are
properly focusing on the prioritized intelligence
requirements.That also includes the passive HUMINT collectors
like Civil Affairs,Military Police,Medical units,Psychological ops and
Information ops.During combat operations,tactical intelligence systems
develop problems.ISR Ops during combat MUST be synchronized.But as
tactical situations change during combat rapidly forcing development of
more different intelligence requirements the
ISR assets need to be retasked
and synchronized again and that too
in pace with the changing scenario and that proves to be very
difficult.Intelligence exploitation operations
too suffer.During operations pulling
intelligence from higher headquarters or
feeding intelligence inputs as per
requests from subordinate units again
proves difficult.Proper dissemination to the
maneuver division Commander and subordinate
brigades,battalions,units suffers due to
inadequate communication systems and database
management/processing capability.The commander,the staff, and the
higher and lower headquarters across the depth and width of the
battlefield must coordinate with the CM section while formulating plans
for future operations and to support ongoing
missions.Variations in enemy actions or changes in perception of the
enemy’s movements give rise to new sets of intelligence requirements
and the CM section should take this into account.The battlefield is an
area of high fluidity and hence
changes must be expected and
Requirements Management must be flexible enough
to incorporate these changes.The two most
critical steps in collection management
is identifying and prioritizing the
intelligence requirements.To this end 6
areas of interest must be
considered and they are force
protection,situation development,targeting,battle damage
assessment BDA,indications and warning
and IPB.The intelligence requirements stems
from these areas and all of
the competing requirements needs to be
consolidated,.Thereafter the collection plan
is created and the scarce IEW
resources are tasked more
efficiently.Requirements Management,Mission
Management and Asset Management
constitute the Collection Management process.They are
treated separately but together constitute integrated
operations as a whole.The six steps in the CM process are:
- Develop Requirements,
- Develop a Collection Plan,
- Task/Request Collection,
- Disseminate,
- Evaluate Reporting,
- Update Collection Planning
devising the Collection plan,the
intelligence officer in charge of
designing the plan (henceforth known as Collection
Manager CM) takes into account the following:
Commanders Priority Intelligence Requirements
Low Priority Intelligence Requirements
Requests from subordinate units,
Taskings from higher HQ’s
Intelligence requirements for targeting purposes
prioritizes these keeping in mind
the Commands intelligence needs and
the commanders priority intelligence needs.When BICCE study
was initially conducted with the development of possible enemy COAs ,
the intelligence analyst attempts to develop
all indicators of these COAs.(Indicators
are those details of enemy action/inaction that
may suggest an enemy COA.COLLECTION FORMATThere are two collection
plans.One designed for conventional battlefield operations whereas the
other caters to a LIC environment.LIC battlefield
operations tend to be dispersed.The PIR and IR’s are highly
diverse and collection becomes a tough task.In the latter case the
following steps are followed:
List the PIRs and IRs,priotize
them and enumerate them using control numbers and
alphabets.This helps in prioritization.
Now ascertain the indicators
Determine potential indicators-prioritize those that will answer the PIR and IR.
Delete all indicators that do not answer the intelligence requirements.
Develop specific intelligence requirements.These are the requirements
as stated by the commander, prioritized and general,broken down into
manageable specific requirements.A PIR may have several specific
intelligence requirements.
Analyse these SIRs and the target characteristics keeping all the indicators in perspective.
Finally prioritize the SIRs and determine the suitable collection
discipline/platform/agency keeping its
capabilities,limitations,backlog of collection
taskings allotted to it and whether
adjacent units,lower units are also using it.
Prepare the tasking list by creating a prioritized SIR list and deploy the collectors.
need a thorough knowledge of the threat,the characteristics of the AO
and the general capabilities of collection assets before they can
translate the commander’s PIR and IR into indicators.This includes a
detailed knowledge of the—
Threat organization, equipment, and doctrine.
Biographical data on major personalities.
Present and past performance of units and organizations.
Terrain and weather constraints.
Patterns of current operations.
PRIORITY.The collection manager decides
on the agency/agencies/assets to be
tasked with the collection.To this he
must judge the capabilities ,
availability and constraints of the
assets with regard to the collection
priorities(the intelligence requirements,PIR,IR,SIRs). These include
factors such as—
Frequency ranges for intercept radios.
Aircraft mission durations.
Number of flights.
Linguistic capabilities.
The assets may be organic or external
collection manager then compares all
the agencies or assets who can
answer a particular SIR and chooses the best
one depending on the 3 factors.Then he selects the next best one and so
on thus creating a prioritized assets/agencies listing. Next, he
determines which agencyor asset can best answer the SIR and prioritizes
them.(EX: CI Team=1,CA Team=2,HUMINT Team =3 in answering SIR-4 which
is ‘’Report strangers movement in NAI-alpha
CMO prioritizes the SIR and tasks appropriatesources to answer them.
The list of taskings for eachsource also should be prioritized.SIRs 1
to 10 are prioritized as follows:
Team (Support ops team)is tasked with SIR 3,5,8,10.
We see the prioritized tasking becomes: SIR3,SIR5,SIR10,SIR8
The team will report about SIR3 first,then SIR5,then SIR10 and finally SIR8.
This means the CMO must providethe SOT-A (1) with a prioritized tasking list as follows:
1 — Report time, frequency, and location ofinsurgent radio traffic or EW activity (SIR 28).
2 — Report the number, size, equipment,composition, route, and time of suspected insurgentpatrols in the area (SIR 6).
3 — Report the location, quantity, and type ofunexplained firings in the area (SIR 1).
must know exactly, verbatim,the PIRs so that they can
rephrase the SIRs in various ways to extract
information from sources who may or
may not be acquainted with the
required information.If the main PIR (which
the interrogator knows verbatim)is ‘’Report on
the existence of enemy camp in
NAI6’’ the source might not know anything at all of insurgent
exfiltration or entry to the area,might not have seen any vehicular
traffic etc
.Indicator Examples
Indicators can be broken into
three categories:• Immediate threat indicators.• Preparatory
indicators.• Secondary indicators.All three categories appear at
strategic, operational, and tactical levels.
Immediate Threat
Indicators. Imminent threat activities or a threat which is
already in progress give rise to indicators known
as Immediate threat indicators.We take
into consideration all factors possible
like activities,tactics,movemernts,current
dispositions,propaganda,and any preparations
indicating a dangerous course of action.The following might
be good indicators:Recovery of huge cache of arms and ammunition in
close proximity to any objectiveIncreased troop movement towards
objectiveVery aggressive rhetoric by the military leadership of the
enemy nation.
Preparatory indicators: Before the decided course
of action/s is/are undertaken there are preparations to be
made.Indicators of such preparations are
termed Preparatory threat indicators.We
must analyse multidimensional threat
intelligence,planning,training activities and
logistics.Examples of such indicators could be:
Diplomatic support by other countriesIncreased media rhetoric
Very aggressive TV discussions
Increase in training tempo
Lightly armed reconnaissance who engage and break contact quickly
MockOvert/covert weapons shipments
Regional countries showing support for the enemy government’s policy
UN embargos/sanctions ignored by countries who support the policies of the enemy nation
Increased media support for the enemy country
indicators: The local population is affected by any threat activity.The
population is affected by tactical preparatory
indicators of the enemy and we
can thus observe reflections in the
economy, commodities and population to infer the preparations.We might
observe that:A fear psychosis has developed among the population, most
schools unattended,and locals avoiding contact with the authorities and
streets deserted before eveningHuge purchases of rations by locals,
stockpiling of medicines and emergency stuff at home.Shortages reported
in non-lethal material.Very less presence of
their community members in
festivals,places of entertainment.Cinema theaters
reporting huge losses in revenue as very low attendance.
Now the CM
in collaboration with the intelligence analyst attempts to assign a set
of specific information requirements to address
each of the indicators --
the overall focus being to answer
each prioritized intelligence requirement. These SIRs go into
making the collection plan.The CM unit must constantly keep a
track of the progress,and any
incoming information may also part
a play in outstanding information requirements
or in any future information requirement tabled for tasking to the
collection platforms.The CM section continuosly evaluates the
collection/reporting processes and disseminates the required
intelligence to the Commander.
SIR is a direct function of enemy
Order of Battle and the gaps in intelligence.We can have a huge number
of SIRs as each PIR can generate several SIRs /SORs(A division can have
upto 12 PIRs for current operations and envisage an
equal number or more for future
operations.Note here that we have
several intelligence collection
platforms—HUMINT,SIGINT,IMINT,MASINT.Now the collection manager will
assign different SIRs/SORs to each
collection platform.Thus overall we have
a huge task at hand as now
the collection manager unit may have
to handle hundreds of information
requirements while combat operations are
underway.Each PIR may have a number
of SIRs. This number would also
include the intelligence requirements to
support targeting, lower priority information requirements, requests
for information from subordinate units, or taskings
from higher headquarters.Hence proper
synchronization with operations and
deconfliction(particularly in case of HUMINT/CI collection processes)
is a prime necessity.Thereafter the step of preparing the collection
plan is undertaken by the collection manager.The collection plan is
created using the PIRs,indicators,SIRs,SORs and all the collection
assets at his disposal. Regarding the available assets for collection
,factors such as accuracy,range,platform type and technical
capabilities-- these are matched with the target characteristics in
question and the most appropriate collection resource/s is/are
allocated.Redundancy is important here
and the assets need also to
be integrated and if there is an
admixture of assets then that has to be carefully planned.
management is about how the
collection task will have to be
executed.A collection strategy is formed
keeping in perspective collection
taskings to subordinate units,support
requests to higher and adjacent units and
exploitation of all intelligence inputs
available from other agencies at the corps,theatre
and national levels. The important objective guiding the strategy
formation is synchronization of collection and dissemination schedule
with the PIR.Here again it is critical that operations be synchronized
with the collection plan.The taskings must be issued to the
collection platforms as quickly as
possible. This also involves specific
intelligence exploitation operations and systems management.A
Sample of the ProcessIf the commander’s PIR
and JR demand to know ifthe
enemy will attack, focus on those
enemy activities and preparations which will confirm or deny the
enemy’s capabilities and probable COA.Steps:Immediately
first focus on ‘’immediate threat
indicators’’.Thus during prioritizing immediate
threat indicators translated into SIRs
must be given high priority.It is
important to not waste time and create
and deliver the SIRs quickly to the collection teams.That is don’t
delay in tasking out to the teams.At the same time when immediate
threat indicators are being looked into go ahead with
deciding on SIRs for preparatory and secondary
indicators.The same SIR may have to
be specified differently to different
collection platforms in accordance with the nature of the latter.For
example we need information about insurgent hideout.Now the SIGINT unit
may be given this SIR: Report on any radio intercept in named area
beta.The same requirement has to be put
forth to the HUMINT team as ‘’Report on any frequent
insurgent movement in to the named
area beta’’ or to the IMINT
team ‘’Report on any camouflaged structure ,
cleared foliage area.foot tracks in named area of interest beta’