A concept of operations (abbreviated CONOPS, CONOPs,[1] or ConOps[2]) is a document describing the characteristics of a proposed system from the viewpoint of an individual who will use that system. It is used to communicate the quantitativeand qualitative system characteristics to all stakeholders.[2] CONOPS are widely used in the military, governmental services and other fields. A CONOPS generally evolves from a concept such that it trivially holds and is a description of how a set of capabilities may be employed to achieve desired objectives or end state.[1] In the field of joint military operations, a CONOPS in DoD terminology
is a verbal or graphic statement that clearly and concisely expresses
what the joint force commander intends to accomplish and how it will be
done using available resources.[3][4] CONOPS may also be used or summarized in system acquisition DODAF descriptions such as the OV-1 High Level Operational Concept Graphic. [5]
How to write the Concept of Operations document?The development of a Concept of Operations document involves the following steps: 1. Current System Describe
the current system. If no current system is in place, describe what
motivates the development of the proposed system. Divide this chapter
into paragraphs that describe the system or situation as it currently
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possible, provide details of the operational environment, components,
interconnections, interfaces to external systems, descriptions of
inputs, outputs, data flow, and current cost of the system’s operations, risk factors, performance characteristics and quality attributes. 2. Justification of Changes Discuss the shortcomings of the current system. Then describe how the development of the new system will address the limitations of the current setup. Summarize user needs, strategic goals, limitations, interfaces to other systems, personnel requirements, or other factors that require a new or modified system. 3. Use Case Scenarios Prepare use cases that show work scenarios, how users perform or need to perform their duties. Capture this is a Word narrative and/or use case Visio diagram. Highlight
data exchanges between department, partners, and customers. Identify
who triggers these actions, what are the inputs and outputs and
exceptions. 4. Proposed System Describe
the proposed system. Outline the environment in which the proposed
systems will be built and how it will be operated and maintained. This involves describing the existing system, communications, infrastructure, volume of users, special requirements. 5. Evaluation To determine the effectiveness of the proposed system, prepare a list of metrics for evaluating the performance of the new system. Use these metrics after the system is operational to determine if the system is performing as expected. Read more: 1. How to write the Concept Operations Document 2. What it a Concept Operations Document? 3. How to Define the Goals, Objectives and Rationale 4. What you need to put into a Concept Operations Document 5. How to Justify the New System to Project Stakeholders 6. How to develop Use Cases to capture Work Scenarios 7. What's the Connection Between the Concept of Operations and Functional Requirements Document